Where did March go?

2 04 2013

Hmm. A lot happened in March and it has gone by in a flash. The biggest thing in RL was completing the sale of my mother’s bungalow. After many years of clearing it out, repairing things and generally fretting about it I don’t have to worry about it anymore; or worry about the large Care Home debt that had built up. Even after two weeks it still hasn’t really sunk in that I never have to go back there again and open the door to find floods, collapsed ceilings or ant invasions.
I also got another temporary contract for eight weeks work after six weeks without work. Naturally this was at the same time as the sale of the bungalow completed – it was a very stressful two weeks!
“Jobless in January: Johnny Smith” has received some nice reviews on Goodreads, so I should stop looking before the less nice ones show up. The short sequel, “Something Worth Fighting For” will be out in June from Torquere, and I have a Cover Art form to fill in. It is good to have some input into the cover, but it is one of the more difficult things for me to come up with some sort of pictorial idea. At least I can stick with the beach theme for this one!
Three months to the UK GBLTQ Meet in Manchester. If you’ve been dithering about attending then keep an eye on this site: linky. I’ve paid my registration fee at last, but still have to sort out hotel and train. I had to cancel a week away for the end of April when I lost my job in February, so I’m going to splash out on the posh hotel for the Meet. The lovely Elisa Rolle is the keynote speaker this year and she is hosting giveaways from the registered authors; so there’ll be another copy of Johnny Smith up for grabs in due course.
“Smoke” and “Yarotanji” have both had their contracts renewed so they’ll be available for another two years rather than vanishing about now.
As I said, it has been a busy month even if there was very little new writing involved. Maybe April will be more writing friendly.



3 responses

17 04 2013

Why can’t I find Joe Smith: Jobless in January anywhere? What happened to it? Please let me know. Thank you!

12 05 2013
Mara Ismine

Hi. Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply. Joe is out of ‘print’ at the moment. I’ve been trying to figure out Smashwords formatting to get it up there, but still haven’t plucked up enough courage to press that final button.

17 04 2013

Oops, I forgot to check the follow up box. Sorry.

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